Babel$6388$ - vertaling naar Engels
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Babel$6388$ - vertaling naar Engels

Isaak Emmanuílovich Bábel; Isaac Babel; Isaak Babel; Isaak Emmanuilovich Babel; Isaak Emmanuílovich Babel; Isaak Emmanuilovich Bábel

n. muchedumbre; desorden, alboroto, ruido incomprensible, bullanga, clamor, vociferación, jaleo (como la escena de la historioa bíblica en la Torre de Babel)
Tower of Babel         
  • Building of Babel
  • ''The Confusion of Tongues'' by [[Gustave Doré]], a [[woodcut]] depicting the Tower of Babel
  • Tower of Babel by [[Endre Rozsda]] (1958)
  • Reconstruction of the [[Etemenanki]]
  • ''[[Hanging Gardens of Babylon]]'' (19th century illustration), depicts the Tower of Babel in the background.
  • German Late Medieval (c. 1370s) depiction of the tower's construction
  • ''Tower of Babel'', by [[Lucas van Valckenborch]], 1594, [[Louvre Museum]]
  • ''[[Turris Babel]]'' from [[Athanasius Kircher]]
Tower of babel; Confusion of tongues; Tower Of Babel; The Tower of Babel; The tower of babel; Tower of Babbel; Confusion of languages; Confounding of tongues; Confounding of languages; Tower of bable; Confusion of the tongues; Tower of Babylon; Babylon Tower; Confusion of Tongues; The Tower Of Babel; Tower of Babal; Tower of tongues; Genesis 11; Tower of Babel in Islamic tradition
La Torre de Babel (torre que sus constructores fueron castigados con la mezcla de sus idiomas hasta que no se entendieron los unos a los otros)
sneak peek         
Shriek (Batman Beyond); Batman Beyond episodes; Rebirth (Batman Beyond); Rebirth (Batman Beyond episode); Rebirth (episode of Batman Beyond); Black Out (Batman Beyond); Golem (Batman Beyond); The Winning Edge (Batman Beyond); Dead Man's Hand (Batman Beyond); Meltdown (Batman Beyond); Heroes (Batman Beyond); Spellbound (Batman Beyond); A Touch of Curaré; Disappearing Inque; Ascension (Batman Beyond); Joyride (Batman Beyond); Earth Mover (Batman Beyond); Splicers (Batman Beyond); Lost Soul (Batman Beyond); Bloodsport (Batman Beyond); Hidden Agenda (Batman Beyond); Once Burned; Hooked Up (Batman Beyond); Rats (Batman Beyond); Mind Games (Batman Beyond); Revenant (Batman Beyond); Babel (Batman Beyond); Terry's Friend Dates a Robot; Eyewitness (Batman Beyond); Zeta (Batman Beyond); The Last Resort (Batman Beyond); Final Cut (Batman Beyond); Armory (Batman Beyond); Sneak Peek; Plague (Batman Beyond); The Eggbaby; April Moon (Batman Beyond); Payback (Batman Beyond); Sentries of the Last Cosmos; Big Time (Batman Beyond); Untouchable (Batman Beyond); Where's Terry?; Ace in the Hole (Batman Beyond); King's Ransom (Batman Beyond); Betrayal (Batman Beyond); Out of the Past (Batman Beyond); Speak No Evil (Batman Beyond); Inqueling; Unmasked (Batman Beyond); Countdown (Batman Beyond); Batman Beyond (season 1); Batman Beyond (season 2); Batman Beyond (season 3); Episodes of Batman Beyond; The Call Part 1; The Call (Batman Beyond episode)
(n.) = avance, preestreno, mirada a hurtadillas, mirada a escondidas
Ex: This is a 'sneak peek" at new products that systems vendors will have on exhibit at the conference = Este es un "avance" de los nuevos productos que los vendedores de sistemas expondrán en el congreso.


Confusion, disorder, tumult, din, discord, jargon, clamor, hubbub, pother, hurly-burly.


Isaak Bábel

Isaak Emanuílovich Bábel (en ruso: Исаак Эммануилович Бабель; Odesa, 13 de julio de 1894 – 27 de enero de 1940), fue un periodista, escritor y dramaturgo soviético que ganó gran fama internacional durante la década de 1930. Fue detenido, torturado y ejecutado durante la Gran Purga de Stalin.